Tuesday, 30 April 2013

April the 30th

DAY 30

What a journey!
A journey that I wish never to end
with great time thinking, feeling 
and making every day count!
Be grudging it or loving it
yet always sensing it there. 
No it's come to an end
and I may only look back fondly
even when the days were grim, 
I am simply full of nostalgia 
and will miss this road
I have been traversing. 
So what do I speak of,
National Poetry Writing Month,
or my school?

April the 29th

(Made a scrap piece of paper which I fished out of my pocket today).

DAY 29

Only have these days
to hold onto old bricks 'n' walls
which mean nothing. 

They are not the things,
worth missing. 
For it all is the same. 

School and work,
they can't ever change. 
Anyone can say that. 

But what does change?
My good company. 
Which I'll miss forever.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

April the 28th

DAY 28

Friends shall make a day,
not that you have around you. 

If a good smile is near, 
then who needs a penny in the world?

A laugh, a cheer, a cry make memories,
not the pictures you take. 

Be it rain or sun, hot or cold, 
a good friend will make it "just right." 

Friends shall make a day, 
and nothing else shall compare. 

April the 27th

(Busy weekend so haven't been able to sit and post these!)

DAY 27

We all get those blue days, 
where light seems dimmer
and time seems stretched
to make the suffering sting. 

Without a doubt,
you will wish to sit and cry, 
believing that, if enough tears fall
the blue will stream out of your body 
like a river. 

The thing to keep those blue days,
less blue and more of the rainbow 
of a sharp mind 
is to remember: 

There is always tomorrow,
with love and friendship 
helping during today. 

Friday, 26 April 2013

April the 26th

DAY 26

So I've fucked up again, 
Obviously I'm rather terrible at this
Really, I try my best for everyone
Ready to help but I'm just not good. 
You don't have to understand, it's okay. 

Just remember it was out of friendship
And not out of spite 
'Cause you're one of the greats
Oh man, this'll 
Be so much cooler next time. 

He'll think it's gay but this is for a good friend. 

Thursday, 25 April 2013

April the 25th

DAY 25

When we forget to look
at what we have 'round us, 
time seems to slowly shift it 
and then as our eyes wander back
to the room we are in 
then we find new lovers and new friends 
the old ones still somewhere
but perhaps not what we may see
at that first glance. 
Then again - we let the mind wander,
change sweeps across the set 
and it's a whole new stage
without a flutter of doubt amongst any actor.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

April the 24th

DAY 24

Why can't I ever find the right thing to say?
I am forever with the wrong words at the wrong time
My wisdom will always sounds more like wit
when it tries to come and linger and offer its services. 
My hope will always sounds more like anger,
I could never be a Judge, my justice sounds like vengeance! 
But still people turn to me and more I am beginning to see,
to listen and not to speak my whimsical wisdom. 

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Arpil the 23rd

DAY 23

A great poet was born 
and he died today. 
Within 52 years,
he had compared many a fair lady
to some summer's day. 
He had said what was to be 
and what was not to be 
But let us not celebrate
a man who may have died 52
but shall live for thousands of years 
through the words he so carefully strung
and touched the souls of millions
and inspired us to begin our song 
and feat on the food of love. 
Happy Birthday and deathday
o mighty giant. 

Monday, 22 April 2013

April the 22nd

DAY 22

Deep within my soul 
is the man that wishes to save
the world of his friends and those he loves,
and those who he has long since left. 

I do not know how to stop him. 
Wherever I tread and see sorrow
the instinct deep within 
is to arm myself with strength, 
for myself and for a friend. 

I will try to bargain with heartache 
or hunt away anxiety 
and then smite the might innards of depression 
that someone I maybe carrying. 
But there's more to be a hero then thought.

Our fables and ballads lie to us: 
a hero cannot always win
for in our lives, 
the innocent must decide
if they truly want to be saved. 

And am I truly this hero?
Some sort of cape and tights wonder?
Isn't all within a soul that yearns
for love and for approval
that will never be answered. 

I wish to save those who cannot be
and maybe answer a need to feel good, 
but I should perhaps remember
to save myself before attempting
to help anyone else. 

But I hope that some days,
my answering to a call
shall just put a smile on a face 
or make a dark day seem brighter
like so many heroes have done for me 
then the man deep within my soul
will perhaps rest for some good time. 

Sunday, 21 April 2013

April the 21st

(On time, hurrah!)

DAY 21

Fret not over your body's height
it means nothing to a wider world
where all walks of life roam wander. 
As you join them - you shall stand tall
no one ever need ask what height you are 
when you stand so tall in halls of law, 
where you shall be seen as a giant
as knowledge flows so naturally from you. 
For you are tall amongst those men, 
this body only shows a 'small' part of that.

For Daf.

April the 20th

Also made my notepad before making it online.

DAY 20

The day has come
where the green smoke rises
in an attempt for justice. 
Damage may come, 
but a choice should be made
by the inhaler 
not by the law. 

Drinking gives excuse 
for girls to let dresses hang down
and boys to be primal
and ol' bacco gives companies
a choice of candidate 
in elections and chemicals in your lungs. 

All the green smokes 
is to be tested before its intake
and then to simply relax
in fields and forest. 

Happy 4/20.

Friday, 19 April 2013

April the 19th

(This was done yesterday, I somehow forgot to post it even though I did it quite early for me but nonetheless, here it is!):

DAY 19

A navy sky at night
can match up to a sky full of stars.

It's simply tainted colour of the day
makes a feel of spring in the air. 

Shades stretch along the sky, 
man-made lights making lighter parts

It shows as rather remarkable
and as if daylight never really left you. 

Thursday, 18 April 2013

April the 18th

DAY 18

Patience is the practise
of a writer with an idea.
He needs music, 
using a beat to write along to
He needs time, 
which is always lacking 
and he needs caffeine 
so when the real writing starts
he's awake. 
Then he needs a critic
who hates every word
and a friend who loves everything
he will ever put his creative fingers on
and then some patience
to finish, redraft and do more. 
That's the practise. 

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

April the 17th.

DAY 17

We choose to celebrate your birth,
on this day where you body arrived.
But I question is this was when you were born.
The time I refer to cannot be pinpointed
it happened over decades as you became
the great hero I know you as today.
The wisdom and strength, the bravery,
when they were “born” within you,
THAT was the day you were born.
It can't be tied to any document,
I think the only thing to be said
is that day when you knew
that Ania rose from a slumber
like sleeping beauty awaiting the call
from the person you had already become.
Maybe you are not complete yet,
maybe we are still waiting for that soul
to truly be born.
But from what can be seen
is a strong and wise person
who loves and who's iron willed
and if you are not truly born yet,
then only the best is to come. 

Happy Birthday Dad, with love.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

April the 16th

DAY 16

Days may go 
however they choose to go
but you happiness shall stay with you
if you take the smallest glimmer, 
say, the sun shinning
and that can keep you happy and sane. 
A lesson for which I am to learn
as my days choose to go grimmer. 
Let the smallest of things, 
dictate your attitude, 
for the bigger things are out of our hands!

Monday, 15 April 2013

April the 15th

DAY 15

Some friends are poor
but far richer then the ones
who are just plain and cheap. 
So cherish these near-homeless, 
crazy characters
because they'll be the ones
you have the most laughs with.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

April the 14th

DAY 14

is this story from its happy ending. 
There once was this girl, 
so tender and fair and sarky. 
Oh boy who was nowhere near the same
yet sparks flew 
and before you knew
that boy was liking what he saw. 
Though his anger was like a forest fire
and hers like a small flame, 
he couldn't help the attraction 
he had no one to blame.
The boy went for a wise man, 
he looked to me would you believe?
I learn of this story 
always thinking it'd end in glory
for these two. 
Maybe it will not. 
And he has not yet forgot 
but time heals wounds 
good friend
but for now, shout to the moons
of all the planets in the sky
of why the hell this went awry 
without anything even happening
at all.

For a good friend. 

Saturday, 13 April 2013

April the 13th

DAY 13

It's all those song lyrics
that ring through my head in the end
not my own thoughts 
shaped by my mind and memory
instead just beats, words of musicians
who out had lived and love more then me
understanding more then I can 
of their lyrics and verse. 

But I'll find meaning you'll see!
Maybe it won't mean a word to anyone else
but those song lyrics are the ones keeping me
so alive and fresh with idea 
for what I really want to say. 
Like when I would fight for her
or when if I strayed from that path I follow
I just need to be down by the English channel
or when it's a long road back to where I can recover, 
with none of my latest tricks are working. 

Song lyrics can run through your head
and they may play as themes to your story, 
which will always be your own. 

Friday, 12 April 2013

April the 12th

DAY 12

 When you’re down, I can be down with you
Far too easily, so it seems.
Thus the whole practice of a friend
Who shall help in your hour of need
Is probably my biggest lie.

Yet fear not, patient people!
I have come with a solution
Though I may cry far too much
When you only need but a frown
Or laugh so full heartedly,
When you only asked for a chuckle
There is another way.

I will write.
I will curse and I scream
To the heavens above
As to why your day is bad
And when celebration is needed
Write that of victory, of valour, of justice
And that, o friends,
That is how I shall try to be
A friend to you all.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

April the 11th

DAY 11

Those great novelists,
artists and poets, 
talk about "forevers"
and never-endings 
where people are eternal
and love is ever-lasting. 
"It's just the talk of their folk"
most would say as an answer
yet do they understand the wisdom
used by these great men and women?
Forever love means not to be there
for as long as two lovers live
and in afterlifes and all, no!
Forever is what is said there,
shall forever be meant there
even if not true to the mortals 
and the time that slips through 
the now, the present around us. 
Yes, those great novelists,
artists and poets, 
talk about "forevers." 
They are forever within their words,
yet not always forever in 'reality', 
placed by those bitter around them. 

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

April the 10th

DAY 10

On rare moments, 
where feelings do not control 
I may simply appreciate a moment. 

No worrying over what was
 and what is and what if 
I may see a moment
for a moment is. 

Those are the ones to remember
not those where I have tried
but those where balance is there
without having to be there 
to be pointed out. 

April the 9th


(Late online due to me being kind of ill. However, was written in a notebook yesterday). 

We've all been labourers, 
 slaving to our system!

A tight grip, the masters have
on us.
 Ready to choke - for an example!

When time is given to us 
instead of controlled by that of what we build
then and only then, 
shall happiness come. 

For now - we must work. 
Fret over things so small 
to our great, ancient masters. 
Telling ourselves:
the ending shall be worth every moment. 

Monday, 8 April 2013

April the 8th


This pain that is consuming me
I can feel herds of elephants 
Or maybe it's just heartburn. 

(Bit ill so another short one).

Sunday, 7 April 2013

April the 7th


 I cannot write today
the sky is grey
oh my goodness, hey
a rhyme 
made by my mind
goodness - this NaPo's benign.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

April the 6th


Being in love
sometimes, is my biggest distraction.
To savour my moments, 
instead of to quickly run by
can make a man rather late 
and even more busy. 

Maybe it would be easier, 
to not be in love at all. 
Time would be spent 
in making my days useful, good. 
But that feeling leaving me 
is worth all the wasted hours
in the world.

Friday, 5 April 2013

April the 5th


"O Jordan - how I've missed ye."

Few times have I texted you, 
but saying I would do more. 
Few times did I make plans 
that I kept to with you. 
Few times have I seem visible
yet tried so hard to do so, o friend. 

Few times, however,
has your name been said in vain. 
Few times have you gone undefended, 
when you are mention 'round in my presence. 
Few times have I not gone "oh yes, he's brilliant!"
few times indeed. 

Few times have I texted you 
this holiday. 
But few times, if none at all, 
have I felt not guilty. 

For, obviously, Jordan.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

April the 4th


Always has been a simple case 
of us sitting 'round saying how tired we are. 
The day where we're free 
to love and to laugh 
about old jokes and new, 
will be the day that great exhaustion
shall simply flow from my veins
leaving to other tired souls 
out there, waiting, 
to have their future. 

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

April the 3rd


O, there is only so much I may say, 
or word and sing 
that'll tell a lady of how beautiful
she really is. 

Eventually, it'll all sound like one long stanza
going on for eternity 
just, perhaps, as this beauty 
that I think I will always see
in her, or in this world.

Sometimes it is simpler
to just allow my tongue 
to run into hers, so to speak 
one that she shan't be forgetting soon!

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

April the 2nd


"Failure's never an option"
Oh the dreamers will cry.
And when you win, 
those words will be laughable. 
For your now, 
failure seems to never
be off the agenda. 
As you work and work
your options seem so limited, 
instead of just having one: 
failure never being an option. 
You dreamers shall have your world
and then, not even that will limit you.

Monday, 1 April 2013

April The 1st


Never in life
is there a journey worth missing. 
Though pain maybe along the way
a chance to travel
is truly a chance to live!
As you go through 
to journey across new plains
there will be sights to change a mind
or even heart. 
Those thoughts and memories
are things only available on the road.
Never miss a journey, 
for it is like missing life.